Inventions, Intelctual Property & Income

About my final project :

For these week assignement the job is to prepare a dissemination plan for this project....
For me when i design it, is only for one objective, make something Fun, usefull if posible, to improve a maximum of the new skill i learn during the Fabacademy.
Never thinking about making money to this.... Just challenging myself.

About Patents & licenses :

Patents is quite expensive & today is really not my objective, but licensing could be interesting.
For a lot of different reason i'm focusing on Open licensing systeme in priority:

Buy me a BEER....

When i'm locking on different existing license i found this one i liked a lot:
THE BEER-WARE license.
It's a extremely permissive, and it falls under the "Copyright only" category of licenses.
But i liked

"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return Poul-Henning Kamp

creative commons :

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building a globally-accessible public commons of knowledge and culture. We make it easier for people to share their creative and academic work, as well as to access and build upon the work of others. By helping people and organizations share knowledge and creativity, we aim to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world.

For me one of the most easy & readable way to licenses my work, they provide a really qwick use chooser to help you(here).

And after you have selected what kind of licence you need you could directly import a premade code on your web page with logo and information need for the licence. (You could see it at the end of each pages on my web site.)

I find this really nice board of the seven most used licences really helpful to a qwick undestand:

Also take a look to :

The distinction between these licenses is not always clear & sometimes hard to understand:

  • Free software is not necessarily free (as in no cost). Free software means that if you get the software, you get the source files as well and are free to modify and distribute them.
  • Open source software is more of a project management methodology whereby you can have developpers from all over the world contributing to your product. A software can be free (as in no cost) but not open.
At the end, all depends on your mind & the purpose of your project.
If I invented something major, I guess, I could want to make some kind of profit.
But I think knowledge should be free and I like the idea of sharing what you've learned.

2020 is a really particular Year i think.
Since a long time ago the worlds is mad & the systeme failled on a lot of case.....
The Actual Pandemic situation & all the weakness he have reveal is for me a new proof : WE HAVE TO CHANGE !!!

The first reason i chose to follow the Fabacademy course is to learned how to make, for teach around me after how to change. How to relocalize our production, how to repair, how to innovate, how to upcycled and recycle product.
For me Smile, sharing, thankfulness from people & my son pride is the greatest profit i could do.
That's how i want to change the WORLD.

dissemination :

For all the previous reason i write, i choose to disseminated my final project (when i finished it) by shared my documentation on websites like :

they are 3 great collaborative development community.

Presentation Slide & Video :

The second part of this week assignement is to prepare a Slide & a video for the presentation of my final project...
Ok let's go: